Monday, March 24, 2008

Gotcha Day!

Introducing...........Megan Elizabeth Geier and family!

Sorry about the delay. I tried to post pictures last night but the internet is very weak here by our standards, and I just didn't ahve the patience to wait up for it. I will try again now, and if there are no pictures you know why. We had a day that we could only have dreamed of yesterday. The babies were all so perfect that they didn't cry on the two hour busride, and ony one of them (not Megan!) cried for a few seconds when they were handed over. Megan came into the room in the Qichun Social Services Director's arms and he appeared to be beaming holding her. See for yourself if you can! We stayed in the hotel yesterday so we could all bond, and bond we did! She had been perfectly comfortable with all of us, and even fell asleep in Corey's arms. We were all very jealous but shared that feeling of instant gratification and pride in many other ways throughout the day. She loves my beard, and even if she is happy and content with what she is doing, she gets a little upset every time Michele leaves the room!! We did get her a little off schedule with all of the morning events and being in a new place with new faces and voices, but she caught up and fell asleep at 7:00 PM on the money, as scheduled. She ended up having her lunch a few hours late, so she made up for that around midnight! It was fun, though she does normally sleep for 12 hours through the night. More later! Thank you for all of the prayers. Since most of them have been answered, you have some time off until Friday when we get back on another airplane to head to Guangzhou!! See ya soon!


Anonymous said...

Cousin Emily says, "Aw...She's adorable!" Happy Easter present! We'll keep up the prayers. Love you all!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! She is beautiful and we are just delighted for your whole family!!

God Bless!!

Jim, Martha, Rosie and Jayda

Anonymous said...

Even families grow in the spring! It is only fair that after such a long journey,in so many ways, Megan is bonding so well to her adoring family. Wait until her proud aunt Nancy gets a hold of her!! Best wishes on the rest of your journey back home.

Anonymous said...

We are just thrilled for you and she is absolutely beautiful! It couldn't been anymore perfect than this!
Love, Laura and Jim

Unknown said...

II have tears in my eyes.